Pixel Pal (PART 1) : Adapting old icon themes for HiDPI screens

Posted on Mon 27 January 2020 in Linux, HiDPI, PixelPal

I am starting a new open source project. The goal of this project is to solve a recurring issue with HiDPI support. The issues is that many old software rely on icon themes in raster format which are not suitable for HiDPI screens. To be more specific various software projects …

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Snaps, Flatpaks, AppImage which one is ahead?

Posted on Sun 13 January 2019 in Linux

On the Linux desktop there is a push for a universal packaging format. Currently there are three main contenders: Snaps packages, promoted by Canonical and Ubuntu; Flatpak, promoted by the Gnome Foundation although not a Gnome project; and AppImage, a community-led project. Even though the three packaging formats differ technically …

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Made it to the front page of EGC 2018

Posted on Sat 19 May 2018 in Non classé


Apparently I made to the front page of the European Go Congree 2018 (Pisa) web page.

EGC's article

What to learn from the Cambridge Analytica story

Posted on Fri 30 March 2018 in Non classé

If you are using Facebook and intend to keep using it the Cambridge Analytica story can teach a few good practices to protect your privacy. Now of course nothing will be as safe as not having a Facebook account but there are sensible steps. Also I won't mention typical security …

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New blog | Nouveau blog

Posted on Sat 06 January 2018 in Non classé

Hello, for 2018 I am restarting my blog from scratch. In part because in the transition from Wordpress to Pelican and because of my own silly mistakes I lost a lot of content.

Bonjour, pour 2018 je recommence mon blog à partir de zéro. En partie parce que durant la …

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